Monday, January 25, 2021



            Since January 6, 2021 we have heard a lot of public and political advocacy for unity in our nation. Given the polarization and acrimony during the last four years, unity initially sounds like an admirable goal. The calls have come from both sides of the aisle. Regardless of which source, it seems appropriate to pause and try to understand what assumptions are behind the calls, what motivations drive the calls, what goals are desired by the calls.

            By definition, unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. Synonyms include union, coalition, confederation, the state of forming harmony. It is forming wholeness and integrity. According to Aristotle in his Poetics, unity requires three principles: unity of time (a day or a country’s future), unity of place (one country’s place in the world community), and unity of action (that country’s vision and deeds toward that goal).

            My thoughts are prompted by public calls mostly from Congressional Republicans and supporters of the ex-president after the failed coup and insurrection. Even in the immediate aftermath of the desecration of our hallowed Capitol, those seditious officials rose to continue their ignorant and groundless demands for the reversal of our November election results.

            However, despite their actions, I try to understand exactly what it is that they mean by unity.      I don’t pretend to comprehend all that they propose/demand, but given their words and deeds of only the last four years, I offer this critique.

            Unity is not conformity of words, thoughts, or proposed policies. Our political system has assumed and promoted diversity of opinions and philosophies. A healthy government requires loyal and robust opposition. Any politician’s call for unity cloaked in double-speak demands for conformity to their perspective must be rejected. Facts do not conform to opinions. Truth does not conform to lies. Light does not conform to darkness. Good does not conform to evil.

            Unity is cooperation. Cooperation begins with the process of listening and the recognition/acknowledgement that no one person is the repository of ultimate truth. Cooperation is grounded in humility open to the voice of the Other. Cooperation seeks the best that each brings to the table in the search for what is best for the greatest number.

            Unity is collaboration. Collaboration is the action of working with others to produce or create something. It is problem solving. It is striving to form a more perfect union. It is the recognition that we have not, and will never, reached perfection, but it is the pure desire to strive with unselfish devotion.

            Unity is commitment. Commitment is the state of being dedicated to a cause. It is an obligation driven by the responsibility of freedom, rejecting the lawlessness of license. Commitment: with others, unselfish, acknowledging consequences, seeking union.

            Unity demands accountability. Accountability demands repentance. Only after repentance can there be forgiveness. THEN the way is open for unity.

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