Thursday, February 27, 2014

Winter reflections

The ebb and flow of life hypnotizes, and in the process it is often tempting to get lost and lose the big picture. The passion of the moment should never be minimized, but it is easy to forget that the universe has its own timeframe. MLK said, "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." Some of us want justice now, and patience is a hard lesson to learn.
February 9 the Moral Movement gathered in Raleigh. It was an inspiring gathering to be involved in. It was joyous. It was thrilling. It was uplifting. It was peaceful and full of love and compassion. It was positive. Its purpose was to remind the power structure that our world needs healing and it is within our power to do this.
My grand daughter Isabel wanted to go with me. An eleven year old, in the innocence of love and caring, grasped the importance of what 20 to 80,000 (depends on who you ask) people sang and "preached" about and marched for. Her questions humbled me and taught me much!
Immigration is an issue and opportunity that both parties claim they want to resolve. Yet grown people cannot put aside their egoes and personal agendas to cooperate for the good of the nation. Economically it makes sense. In terms of human needs and moral demands, it makes sense. Constructive, positive outcomes far outweigh isolated and short term inconveniences.
The LGBT's day has come. They have suffered too long at the hands of narrow-minded, mean-spirited people. Their integrity deserves recognition. Their access to equal treatment under the law has far too long been denied. Their "family values" deserve affirmation.
The heavenly declaration of 2000 years ago needs to be heard and implementd: "Peace on earth to people of good will."  Whose side will we stand on?