Thursday, February 23, 2017

Theocracy: government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided; a state governed by a theocracy [Merriam Webster’s Dictionary]. The government of a state by God either charismatic [prophets and spokesmen], monarchic [king or religious autocrat], or priestly [cultural equivalent]. The king/ruler/autocrat is regarded as anointed (chosen) by God, and is regarded as God’s friend, the messenger of God, God’s representative on earth, messiah (the biblical term).

Examples: (1) ancient Israel under David, (2) Plymouth Colony in 17th century, (3) Iran today.

Authoritarian regime: favoring blind submission to  authority; favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to a people, thereby eliminating a free press, free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly.

Examples: (1) Reign of Terror in France, (2) Communist Russia, (3) Nazi Germany, (4) ?

At least once a week in my home town paper, someone writes a letter to the editor claiming that tRUMP is God’s chosen leader, our savior, the one who will deliver us from all previous evils. This accompanies claims that we are a Christian nation. These folks were ecstatic when Melania led the crowd in the Lord’s Prayer at a political rally. VP Pence is a fundamentalist Christian with a social agenda that has only begun to reveal itself in attacks on same sex marriage, criminalization of women who have an abortion, elimination of protection of transgender people in educational institutions, and cries to reinstate prayer (sectarian, of course) in public schools. Now the free press is labeled “enemy of the people,” and when reporting uncovers information and actions contra tRUMP’s narrative, it is called “fake news.” His own spokesman (Miller) admonishes us not to question the president’s views and proclamations.

The oligarchy he has surrounded himself with has begun the systematic destruction of our environment, our healthcare safety net,  our retirement financial security, and intentionally weakening our public schools (the bed rock of a democracy) through vouchers and use of public money for private and religious schools. His puppet (Sessions) is positioned to give “legal” sanction to his whims, and local, state, and (proposed) National Guard and our military are being prepared to invade homes and churches to gather, incarcerate, and deport the worst AND the least of illegal immigrants.  We are fast on the road to a militarized, authoritarian state. AND THERE IS HARDLY ANYONE IN CONGRESS WITH THE MORAL INTEGRITY AND INTELLECTUAL OBJECTIVITY TO SAY NO TO THIS MALIGNANT NARCISIST.

God and country. As of this writing, 41% of the American public approve of his policies and the direction we are moving. There is nothing more dangerous than a maniac who believes he is sanctioned by divine power. 94% of Germans were “Christian” and followed blindly. Three years ago many of us naively said Nazi Germany would never be repeated. Hate groups in this country have tripled in one year. Anti-Semitism is on the rise; cemeteries are desecrated.

People of good will, with compassion for all, welcoming to strangers, motivated by love must stand up, speak out, act. RESIST    RESIST    RESIST

Theocracy: government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided; a state governed by a theocracy [Merriam Webster’s Dictionary]. The government of a state by God either charismatic [prophets and spokesmen], monarchic [king or religious autocrat], or priestly [cultural equivalent]. The king/ruler/autocrat is regarded as anointed (chosen) by God, and is regarded as God’s friend, the messenger of God, God’s representative on earth, messiah (the biblical term).

Examples: (1) ancient Israel under David, (2) Plymouth Colony in 17th century, (3) Iran today.

Authoritarian regime: favoring blind submission to  authority; favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to a people, thereby eliminating a free press, free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly.

Examples: (1) Reign of Terror in France, (2) Communist Russia, (3) Nazi Germany, (4) ?

At least once a week in my home town paper, someone writes a letter to the editor claiming that tRUMP is God’s chosen leader, our savior, the one who will deliver us from all previous evils. This accompanies claims that we are a Christian nation. These folks were ecstatic when Melania led the crowd in the Lord’s Prayer at a political rally. VP Pence is a fundamentalist Christian with a social agenda that has only begun to reveal itself in attacks on same sex marriage, criminalization of women who have an abortion, elimination of protection of transgender people in educational institutions, and cries to reinstate prayer (sectarian, of course) in public schools. Now the free press is labeled “enemy of the people,” and when reporting uncovers information and actions contra tRUMP’s narrative, it is called “fake news.” His own spokesman (Miller) admonishes us not to question the president’s views and proclamations.

The oligarchy he has surrounded himself with has begun the systematic destruction of our environment, our healthcare safety net,  our retirement financial security, and intentionally weakening our public schools (the bed rock of a democracy) through vouchers and use of public money for private and religious schools. His puppet (Sessions) is positioned to give “legal” sanction to his whims, and local, state, and (proposed) National Guard and our military are being prepared to invade homes and churches to gather, incarcerate, and deport the worst AND the least of illegal immigrants.  We are fast on the road to a militarized, authoritarian state. AND THERE IS HARDLY ANYONE IN CONGRESS WITH THE MORAL INTEGRITY AND INTELLECTUAL OBJECTIVITY TO SAY NO TO THIS MALIGNANT NARCISIST.

God and country. As of this writing, 41% of the American public approve of his policies and the direction we are moving. There is nothing more dangerous than a maniac who believes he is sanctioned by divine power. 94% of Germans were “Christian” and followed blindly. Three years ago many of us naively said Nazi Germany would never be repeated. Hate groups in this country have tripled in one year. Anti-Semitism is on the rise; cemeteries are desecrated.

People of good will, with compassion for all, welcoming to strangers, motivated by love must stand up, speak out, act. RESIST    RESIST    RESIST

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Trump--I can no longer be silent

I have intentionally not written for over a year, dumbfounded by what I saw and heard happening in this country that I love. I could not believe that someone was saying out loud the things coming from Trump’s (it is disrespectful to call the President of the United States an asshole, so I will hereafter refer to him as Rump) mouth. I could not believe that someone would do the things to women he did, brag about it publicly, and not be rejected by the people he sought to represent, especially so called culture Christians.  The list is long and has been sufficiently discussed—xenophobic, homophobic, Islamaphobic, etc. The lies have been proven false, over and over, beginning with “birther” lies, to climate change is a hoax started by the Chinese,  to claims of massive voter fraud. Still his supporters turn a blind eye and closed ears to the world’s greatest con-artist since Adolf Hitler. I do not use that comparison lightly; only look at his Executive Orders since Friday 1/27.

While Rump and his minions are the personification of evil, that, sadly, is not the worst of it. He is only a symptom of the disease that has been emboldened by his actions. Supporters feel they have been given license to say and do anything vaguely resembling his persona. Hate crimes increased; vocal and physical acts of prejudice; “official” acts that violate the Constitutional principles and moral values this nation are based on. All the while, his official mouth pieces—Spicer and Conway—continue their charade and endless stream of “alternate facts.” It is essential that they be labelled for what they are, lies. Lies.

An attack on the free press (by Bannon). An attack on any one who challenges his ego (John Lewis and attacks on estimates of crowd size at the inauguration).  An attack on “others,” (the Refugee ban is an attack on Muslims). It is imperative to resist, oppose, hinder, challenge by any and all means available short of violence. This is not a partisan issue. This is a moral, legal, Constitutional issue. If they do it to others, they can do it to us.

Is there any moral integrity in Congress and his own party? I am no clairvoyant, but I said, during and after the first Republican debate, “Just watch. Every one of them will get in lock step behind him for their petty, juvenile, irrational, selfish reasons.” He could compare penises, accuse Cruz’ father for plotting to kill JFK, belittle every other person on that stage, they could all one by one parade in and out of Rump Tower, be insulted over and over, and they would all line up behind him.

If you voted for Rump, own it, but do not claim he and Pence are Christians; do not claim it was a “Christian” decision/vote. That is pure hypocrisy. It is naïve to rationalize it as a “one issue” decision.

“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” Stand up! Speak out! Say NO! or live to regret it.