Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 6, 2021


            I have not texted or written or spoken about January 6 until now, wanting/needing my anger to  come to some purpose and my perspective to clarify.  Rage without purpose or goal benefits no one, especially me. But as someone (Aristotle?) said, anger can be righteous and beneficial by knowing when to be angry, at whom to be angry, how to be angry, what to be angry at, and why to be angry. Uncontrolled anger lowers one to the demonic level of the morons attempting to destroy all that is good and sacred.

            I waited to be sure the facts—empirically verified and independently sourced—were correct before making accusations and furthering rumors. We know January 6 was planned and was enabled by real fake news, lies, ignorance, conspiracy theories, and malicious intent. The blame rests with this administration and its every supporter.

            I am angry at:

Ø  The 45th president of the US. He is despicable, a pathological liar, a narcissistic idiot, intellectually inadequate, mentally unbalanced, morally vacuous, a bigot, a xenophobic hypocrite, evil incarnate. He is violent, a bully, corrupt, and a coward.

Ø  McConnell, Graham, Hawley, Cruz, Rubio, Burr, Tillis and all other Senate supporters; McCarthy, Scalise, Gohmert, Cawthorn and all other House helpers; Kemp, Santis, Ducey, Noem and all other governor goons; Paula White, Paige Patterson, F. Graham, Mohler, Jeffress and all other evangelical enablers.

Ø  Every hate group, white supremist group, antisemitic group, anti-LBGTQAI group.

Ø  Every minion and lemming who, for five years and longer, applauded, accepted, encouraged, voted for, and agreed with everything he said and did, standing by and doing nothing.

January 6 was different and if you did not see that, you are morally blind and complicit. #45 instigated, promoted, and encouraged sedition, treason, violence, rebellion.

            I am tired of all the too little, too late pious platitudes, “thoughts and prayers,” and contrite hand wringing.

            I am angry enough to:

Ø  Work hard at my precinct level.

Ø  March.

Ø  Speak out to friends, family, and strangers to correct lies and confront hate.

Ø  Give to causes that promote love, compassion, and relieve suffering.

Ø  Get in “good trouble” by standing up, speaking up, speaking out.

Ø  Vote!

As Lee Iacocca said years ago: “Lead, follow, or get out of the way!” As the old hymn says: “Truth is marching on!”

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