Friday, December 20, 2013

Imagine a world lit by divine light

Imagine a world lit by divine light! According to the Genesis myth, this is exactly what happened "When God began creating the world," a more correct translation of Genesis 1:1. It was divine light, not physical light. Physical light did not come until day four when God created sun, moon, and stars. It was divine light, and it was present from the beginning. The creation story is about the divinity of the earth and ALL that is in it. The text says, affirms, insists that creation is good----God says so! The text says that before God's light gave warmth and illumination, the earth was a formless void and darkness. This first light and darkness are not good and bad, right and wrong, truth and falseness. Good and evil do not enter God's good creation until humans disobey, and that doesn't happen until Genesis 3. The divine light fills the dark void with meaning and purpose, fills it with God! God is in everything and everything is in God!
It is our failure to recognize the divine light in creation, in ourselves and others, that hides and obscures the potential brilliance yearning to be free, longing to be shared and embraced, inviting all creation to become that for which and to which we were created.
That light, God's light, divine light finds its greatest expression and truest incarnation when creatures yield to the creator, love completely selflessly, seek peace, and mirror the compassion and generosity first given to them.
Love, peace, humility, service to others before consuming ego and conspicuous consumption. The gifts of creation are for the benefit of all, not the hoarding of the few. Divine light exposes the hidden, dark corners of our selfishness and always, always invites our surrender and commitment to divine purposes in the world.
It is the season of light: Feast of Dedication/Festival of Lights, Advent Candles, Islamic New Year and new light of fresh starts, Devali, and on goes creation's longing for oneness with Creator and creatures.
The children's song was never more true and compelling: "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine." May we all, everyday, in every way.

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