This bumper sticker used to amuse me: "America's OTHER deficit--lack of critical thinking," but not any longer. Given the "look at Me" press conferences, shameless repetition of lies and misinformation, and repetition of senseless votes expecting a different result, I am convinced we have the largest gathering of morons in any one location in recent history. Ignorance and myopic morality are incarnated in Tea Party representatives and Republican leadership of both Houses. Most of us have heard most of the examples before, but they deserve repeating.
1) What do they NOT understand? the 2009 Congress passed the ACA, the President signed it, and the Supreme Court upheld it. IT IS LAW!
2) Sen. Ted Cruz, articulate and charismatic, is stupid and irrational---or he thinks we are. Instead of offering funding legislation void of the attempt to defund Obamacare, he suggests voting on budget items piece by piece. Think about it! The result will be the same. The government will get funded and Obamacare will remain in tact. Why not offer a total package without the stipulation concerning ACA and get on about the business of addressing the debt ceiling, solving the financial crisis long term, and SAVE the jobs being lost daily and costing OUR government over $200 million a day. Real lives are impacted, children are going hungry, national security is jeopardized, etc. despite what the mindless idiots on Fox News say. ex. Hannity said his income wasn't being hurt by the shut down. How insensitive can you be!
3) Siding with greedy business and dismantling the EPA, approving fracking for example, threatens our lives and health as well as that of our children and grandchildren. But they are willing to surrender the future for short term, personal hedonism.
4) They argue for less government in our lives and turn right around and want the government to tell us who we can marry and what women can do with their own bodies..
5) The one government controlled entity they mindlessly support and continue to give a blank check is the military industrial complex. This only demonstrates their lack of compassion for the disadvantaged and their commitment to violence. You don't keep having sexual intercourse to preserve virginity!
People get the government they tolerate. Silence is complicity. It's time to put a government in place that cares for all citizens and addresses human needs.
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