Friday, May 24, 2013

Can we be honest, objective, and even-handed?

Can we be honest, objective, and even-handed?
Yes, the attack on Benghazi and the loss of four American lives was a tragedy, horrific and deplorable. Could it have been prevented? Maybe. Was it an act of “terror”? We know now it was. Should our government be open and transparent with us? Definitely.
But, do you remember Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 when 80 people were killed? Do you remember the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983 when 241 American lives were lost? Democrat or Republican administrations don’t matter.
Lessons learned? If we ask people to defend us and serve in foreign countries, Congress should appropriate money requested for safe facilities and better intelligence cooperation AND foreign aid to address the symptoms that lead to this violence.
Yes, the unlawful taking of information and sources from Associated Press reporters and editors should be condemned, exposed, and prosecuted. It was an attack on our First Amendment. A free press is essential for a democracy, for an informed public.
But, do you remember George W. Bush’s imprisonment of reporters who refused to reveal their sources? Do you remember that administration’s exposure of a CIA agent, endangering her life and that of other agents?
Lessons learned? We must always, always diligently protect our freedom of the press. It stands between us and a dictatorship. Just look at the absence of this freedom around the world.
Yes, the use of the IRS for political purposes is wrong if not illegal. This agency must be fair and impartial. Rules must apply equally to all persons and organizations.
But, do you remember Richard Nixon’s use of the IRS to target and punish liberal organizations? Or FDR”s use of the IRS to punish his political opponents?
Lessons learned? This agency must be fair and transparent if citizens are to trust their government. Maybe all political and charitable donors should be identified. Our government certainly should not be for sale to the highest bidders.
One thing overlooked in this shouting match is that the IRS was doing their job. I do not think political contributions should be tax deductible. An organization must prove they qualify for 501©3 status or if they are really 501©4. Maybe churches should pay property taxes, but that’s another issue.
Here is a question for the right and left. Where is our moral outrage when over 30,000 people die in this country every year from gun shots? Their blood is on our hands for not requiring criminal background checks, mental health checks, confiscating and destroying illegal guns from criminals, etc. Where is our moral outrage over local, state, and federal destruction of our education system with their immoral financial policies? The list goes on. Healthcare, family support, care for the disabled, care for veterans.
Can we be honest, objective, and even-handed?

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