Friday, March 29, 2013

God abhors violence

God abhors violence (and we humans keep forgetting).
When the post-Exilic priestly writers compiled the Torah (the first five writings in the Bible) in the 6th century BCE, they viewed their history through lenses that gave testimony to their belief that Yahweh is one and they are His/Her witness to the world. They were honest enough to include the good, the bad, and the ugly. James Carroll, author of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, says there are over 600 verses in the Tanak (Bible) that speak of God’s wrath, anger, and violence. But over and over that violence is rejected and love and mercy are affirmed.
The very first act of God in the Bible is attacking the violence of chaos and void and turning it into creation that is repeatedly called “good.” Man’s first act of violence, Cain killing Able, is redeemed by God’s mark of protection placed on Cain. In the Noah myth God’s anger results in near total annihilation of humankind, but GOD REPENTS of His action and promises never to do that again until the end (that’s another story). The Abraham and Isaac story, among everything else that it teaches, is an absolute rejection of human sacrifice as obedience to God (remember that for later). The violence of slavery in Egypt is rejected and overcome by the gift of deliverance. The violence of human selfishness, greed, and anger is overcome with the gift of the Law to guide us in compassion and service to others. The violence of death and destruction at the hands of the Babylonians is overcome by love and Return. The writers acknowledged that Yahweh began as a desert, warrior god but claim that He presented Himself personally to Moses in a burning bush and went on to become the God of Second Isaiah and Lord of all the universe.
Before you spout the anti-semitic lie that the God of the Old Testament was a god of wrath and judgment and the God of the New Testament is a god of love and mercy, I recommend you read the text carefully. The Christian text begins with the violence of a God who demands human sacrifice (remember Abraham?) so He can forgive and love us. It ends (The Revelation of John) with one of the bloodiest pieces of religious literature in history. Jesus did not die to appease an angry god; he LIVED to remind his world that the kingdom of God comes to earth in the care of the sick, hungry, naked, orphaned, marginalized. The world killed Jesus, and the Christian story says God rejected that violence through the story of resurrection. Jesus’ Jewish followers under the guidance of James eventually “got it.” Hellenistic Christianity returned to the violence of the world and reduced the kingdom of God to some far off ideal and made an idol of Jesus.
The Sword Verses and jihad have been a source of criticism and condemnation of Islam for many Jews and Christians. In context, it is necessary to remember that Muhammad and the Quran challenged the violence of polytheism, mistreatment of widows and orphans, licentiousness, and thievery. SOME of his followers, then and now, have prostituted that message of love and mercy. Allah has rejected the violence of the world by giving us the Five Pillars.
God abhors violence in any form. Yahweh abhors the violence of taking land through settlements based on the thin justification of a “promise.” God abhors the violence of racial, religious, and gender bigotry, the violence of state execution, unbridled gun violence, the violence of killing the unborn, the violence of wanton destruction of creation. Allah abhors the violence of ignorance, subjugation of girls and women, the violence of religious war.
God abhors violence by anyone in any form. The only legitimate response to human violence is Tikkun, love God and neighbor, complete surrender to the will of God as revealed in the best of the world’s religious texts. The family of Abraham embodies all of this.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Libertarian/Republican: Half truth, half moral

Libertarian/Republican: Half right, half moral

            Libertarianism is grounded in the Virtue of Selfishness of Any Rand. It has three principal tenets: laissez-faire economics, small government, and individual freedom. They all contain half truths and, consequently, are half moral.

            Laissez-faire capitalism is half true in its recognition of the value of incentives and human desire to accumulate wealth. But even Adam Smith, the 18th century author of this idea, warned us to beware of capitalists gathered behind closed doors. Their one objective will be to abuse and take advantage of the rest of us. What is completely absent from this theory is concern for the disadvantaged and compassion for the helpless. Community driven capitalism is a far better idea.

            Small government is workable when societies and nations are small. It was workable for the first one hundred years of our nation’s history. But population grew; society became more complex, and our role in the international community increased. Size of government should be dictated by the needs of the society it serves. Efficiency and effectiveness should be the guiding requirements, not an abstract, impersonal idea or concept of “size.”

            Individual freedom that honors the dignity and worth of each and every one of us should be preserved. But individual, egotistical, license that denies or ignores our responsibility for others is moral decay. It ignores the ethics of Jesus of Nazareth and the principles and benefits of the Judaeo-Christian tradition to western civilization and the world.

            We have just witnessed the parade of moral midgets at CPAC. They are smart, intelligent people---Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ann Coulter, Paul Ryan, etc. They are also morally deficient, guided only by the virtues of selfishness whether it is education, healthcare, children’s programs, immigration, etc. That combination is cause for concern! IQ is important but EI (emotional intelligence) is far more desirable.

            Marcus Borg described the Roman empire of the first century CE as politically oppressive, economically exploitative, chronically violent, and religiously sanctioned. This is precisely the platform of CPAC, Libertarians, and contemporary Republicans. They are intent on imposing American hegemony on the world, exploiting the earth and world resources to the abuse of others, chronically enforcing military domination, and all the while sanctioning their efforts with a claim of fundamentalist Christianity. [Remember the mental gymnastics they went through to justify support of a Mormon candidate?!]

            Double speak was the order of the day at CPAC as all the pretty candidates tap danced across the stage. If this is our alternative for 2016 and, God forbid they win, we are in for dark days.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Thoughts on violence

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 31,000 people die each year in the US from gunshot wounds. This is an average of just over 87 per day. About 30 of those are murders, more than 50 take their own lives, and others are accidents.

If lives don't get your attention, how about this. Gunshot wounds and deaths cost the US over $12 billion, that's billion with a B, a year in court costs, insurance costs, and government health programs. In 2010 medical care for a fatal shooting cost $28,700. In 2010 lost work revenues were $5.4 billion, court costs of $4.7 billion, Medicaid and Medicare costs of $1.4 billion, $180 million in mental health care costs, $224 million to process insurance claims, and $133 million in response call costs. These numbers are from Ted Miller's analysis for Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation. An interesting conclusion was that about half of Medicaid's medical costs go to this atrocity.

The Buddha said that the three roots of evil are greed, hate, and delusion. My suspicion is that all three are at work here. US citizens own over 300 million guns-----that's just under one per citizen. The recent frenzy in gun purchases and ammunition hoarding is evidence of all three. I would associate greed with the criminal elements' obsessive use of violence in all levels of crime--drugs, prostitution, etc. I would associate hatred, paranoia, and fear (a manifestation of hatred) with the frenzy mentioned above. Delusion is the overpowering cause of the assumption that you combat violence with violence. Delusion drives misinterpretation of the Second Amendment. Delusion drives the misplaced trust in retaliation (only) and misconception that violence preserves peace.

Background checks? YES!

Improved mental health treatment? YES!

Eradication of homelessness? YES!

Confiscation of excessively powerful weapons? YES!

We are better than this. I find it irrationally insane that the nation that claims to be so religious, so Christian is at the same time so violent and quick to answer force with force. Guns kill, so do people. Guns are the symptom of much deeper problems that deserve, yes require our creative attention. An idiot can shoot a gun. Caring, compassionate people solve problems.

Thoughts on violence